MsdsDigital.com is implementing a new program called Spotlight on Business. We are offering it to our valued members who have demonstrated the usefulness of our website. And the best part is it’s free!!!
We’d like to feature your business in our next press release to be published later this month or early next month. The press release would include a paragraph or two, explaining where you are, who you serve, and what you do (or the like). And a statement that we can use as a quote about MsdsDigital.com. We will write an article with the information you provide. If you want to see what one looks like check out our press releases here.
We use a professional press release company, and the press release with the news of your company will be published on 100+ media sites. Again, this is all free to you.
The program requirements are as follows:
- User account in good standing
- Actively uploading or updating records in our database
- Add a link from your website to ours using one of our keywords:
- Complete the registration form
o Material Safety Data Sheets
o Safety Data Sheets
o (M)SDS Database
o MsdsDigital.com
o or link directly to your online msds binder
o (we can help with any code)
We appreciate our users who help us to build our database and hope you see this opportunity as a wonderful way to promote your business.
For consideration please fill out the registration form at: http://msdsdigital.com/node/add/spotlight-on-business-
Help keep this site free and share it with your social network using the links below: